The Verduran Verdict
After the events of Malevolence, Aimar is approached by none other then Shyka the Many, requesting his aid with the situation in Taldor. The Farossa family is making a power play in Oppara that saw most of the local Fey persecuted or displaced. No longer welcome in on Taldorese soil, the Fey have al but retreated to an area below the Jalrune river, and many refugees have already made the journey back to the First World. However, plenty voices in the Fey courts clamor for the return of the Aimar, their lost representative in the Taldor court. In a bid to elicit the help of the Seer Elf Shyka has comitted the few eyes and ears she has in Oparra to locate Hathalar; Faëlarin's captured brother, who is now in the hands of the cruel Farossa family.
Of friends and foes
Two months after the events of Malevolence, Gaston and Aimar find themselves at a remembrance for the fallen heroes at Pharasma's Church in Crooked Cove. At this solemn affair, Shyka the Many appears before Aimar and explains that the Fey of Taldor are desperate for a solution to their current predicament.
Circle of the Wildwood
Soon to come!
Faëlarin Aimar Arathya
After the bloodbath at the Courthouse in Oppara, Faëlarin Arathya finds himself a fugitive on the run from both Taldoran law enforcement and mercenary assassins hired by the Farrora family.
Faakt Sharptooth
Beckoned by the call of adventure and driven by a multitude of prophetic dreams, Faakt Sharptooth leaves the Twin Village known as Hrugrak in search of true adventure. Travelling through the dreary lands of Isger, his desire for adventure is tamed by the local distrust for goblins stemming from the Goblinblood Wars. Weary of Isgers inhospitality towards goblinkind, Faakt meets Bort Bargit on the Caravaneers Office on his way out of Elidir, and becomes enamoured by the dwarf's stories of a young, ideolistic democracy known as Andoran. In exchange for labor in the form of protection, Bort offers Faakt a job and together with a group of passenders the caravan sets off to Almas.