
A student of the Way of Unbending Iron, Willow trains at the Monestary of the Earthen Fist to one day compete in The Challenge of Sky and Heaven.

Ancestry Halfling
Heritage Hillock Halfling
Background Acolyte
Class Monk
Size 1
Gender Not set
Age Not set
Alignment N
Deity Not set
Class Monk
Key Ability DEX
Class DC 19
Perception +7
Ability Scores
NameValue Mod
STR 8-1
DEX 184
CON 121
INT 163
WIS 142
CHA 100
Saving Throws
Fortitude +8
Reflex +11
Will +9
Armor Class
Total 21
Proficiency Bonus 7
Ability Bonus 4
Item Bonus 0
Shield Bonus 0
Lore (Scribing)8
Lore (Halfling Lore)8
Name Qty Prof Pot Str Die Dam Attack D.Bonus Runes
Shuriken 10 martial 0 d4 P 9 -1
Nunchaku 1 martial 0 d6 B 9 -1
Name Qty Prof Pot Res Worn? Runes
Gi 1 unarmored 0 1
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