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Sister Valerie

Sister Valerie was brought into the world as a Duskwalker. Raised as their own child by a Ravounelian couple, she discovered her divine powers when her home village was attacked by the undead. Losing her parents to this event, she took a position in the Lady of Graves' church in Kintargo as a priest. On night, a visitation from one of Pharasma's psychopomps led her to Xarwin manner, where some great unnatural evil supposedly slumbers.

Donning her armor she set off to protect the innocent, this time armed with the divine powers granted by years of piety and clerical study. Sister Valerie isn't open about her Duskwalker ancestry to anyone but Pharasma's psychopomps, but knows full well her destiny is to replace one of the lost and continue the fight in their stead. She is not sentimental and can be stern where the undead are concerned, but not being unable to start a family of her own she simply seeks companionship and acceptance among fellow adventurers.

Ancestry Human
Heritage Duskwalker
Background Hermit (Occultism)
Class Cleric
Size 2
Gender F
Age 32
Alignment N
Deity Pharasma
Class Cleric
Key Ability WIS
Class DC 21
Perception +13
Ability Scores
NameValue Mod
STR 163
DEX 142
CON 163
INT 100
WIS 194
CHA 100
Saving Throws
Fortitude +12
Reflex +11
Will +13
Armor Class
Total 22
Proficiency Bonus 7
Ability Bonus 1
Item Bonus 4
Shield Bonus 2
Lore (One Terrain)7
Lore (Boneyard)7
Name Qty Prof Pot Str Die Dam Attack D.Bonus Runes
Dagger 1 simple 1 striking d6 P 11 3
Dagger 1 simple 0 d6 P 10 3
Name Qty Prof Pot Res Worn? Runes
Lamellar Breastplate 1 medium 0 1
Steel Shield 1 shield 0 1
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